Today’s blog post is short, sweet and to the point! We moved last week so between that, having family in town, trying to furnish our home and doing coaching calls, I have not had a ton of free time! However, I wanted to write a quick post for anyone who is sometimes at their worst on holidays! I’ve been there and it’s no fun! Here’s everything you need to know to make tomorrow an amazing Valentine’s Day! 


  1. Your spouse or significant other will never be perfect, even on February 14th. I don’t say this to discourage you from celebrating, but remember that everyone is still going to be human, even on holidays. Expecting your significant other to make your day extra special or your relatives to be perfect on Christmas is often what causes us to lose our cool on a holiday. Going into them with the mindset that you just want to love everyone around you for who they are, is a game changer. 
  2. What your spouse does tomorrow will not determine how you feel throughout the day, but rather your thoughts about what he does. If you want to feel happy and in love tomorrow, decide now to think thoughts that help you to feel those feelings! You are only hurting yourself when you choose to feel otherwise.
  3. Have your own back! My friend, Carrie, recently shared that on Valentine’s Day last year, she bought herself flowers. She explained that she felt disappointed every year when her husband forgot so she finally took matters into her own hands- she ordered flowers and sent them to her husband’s work with a note saying she knew he was busy so she got them for him to bring home to her… Isn’t that the best?! Go check her out on instagram @drive_your_thoughts_coaching.
  4. Lastly, please stop expecting your spouse to read your mind! Chances are you know exactly what you would like your Valentine’s Day (or birthday, anniversary etc.) to look like so tell your significant other! You set them and yourself up for failure when you come up with a million expectations and then keep them to yourself. I know, I know, being surprised with a romantic day sounds like so much fun, but trust me, this works out so much better! This year for my birthday, I arranged the babysitter and reservations at my favorite restaurant weeks in advance. I was positive it was going to be a great day ahead of time because I’d already planned it out! When Anders surprised me with an appointment for a massage, it was icing on the cake! Set up the babysitter, make the dinner reservations, buy yourself the flowers! Do what you need to do, sister! 


Hope this helps you to have the best Valentine’s Day ever! 


