Hi friends!

I often get asked by moms how to stop wishing away the stage they’re in.

Want to know what I tell them?

Keep looking forward to the next phase, but drop the part where you feel guilty for it.

Some stages of life are harder than others.

I know, I know. I preach that your thoughts cause your feelings and that you create your own experience and that’s still true. But during certain phases of motherhood, positive thoughts will come more naturally. So before you try to become this perfect mom who enjoys every aspect of motherhood, just focus on dropping the resistance you have towards your own preferences.

It’s really okay if you don’t absolutely love being around an adorable, mute human being all day long.

The thing that is causing you the most pain is not looking forward to the next phase, it’s the fact that you’re judging yourself for doing so.

You can not absolutely love a stage of your life and still be really proud of how you’re showing up during it. You can not absolutely love hearing a child whine half the day and still absolutely love and adore that child.

Start by dropping the resistance. As you allow yourself to look forward to the next phase guilt-free, you’ll find that the one you’re in becomes more enjoyable.

You’re doing an incredible job.